Report Content Parameters

Use the Report Definition tab of the Report Properties dialog box to pass a number of options to the report engine.

Some of the tags, such as AggregationResults and DisplayDataWorksheets control what data is displayed in the report. Some of the tags, such as ApplyCellFormat indicate how much data is displayed in the template. This table provides definition and valid settings for each report content parameter tag found in the Report Properties dialog box.

The Report Types column indicates the type of report to which a specific parameter is applicable.

Parameter Data Type Report Types Description
AggregationResults List Aggregated This is the comma-separated list of results that are included in the report when Results is not selected as a criterion.

You can pass the value ALL to the parameter to include all currency results. For example, to produce a report in hours without selecting the result HOURS, you can change this parameter to HOURS. Alternatively, you can include a non-currency result such as FEE to a report by listing all of the results: DIRECT, OVERHEAD, GANDA, and FEE.

ApplyCellFormat Boolean All This parameter indicates if the report layout engine should apply cell formatting to cells containing date and currency values. If this option is enabled, the date and currency formats will be obtained from the CellFormatDatePattern and CellFormatCurrencyPattern parameters respectively.

The cell will be formatted using the date or currency format as follows:

Any tag that evaluates to a currency or date value can be used to set the cell’s format.

  • A tag that evaluates to a currency value will cause the currency format to be applied to the cell (for example, ControlAccount.Bac).
  • A tag that evaluates to a date value will cause the date format to be applied to the cell (for example, ControlAccount.BaselineStart).
  • If a cell contains multiple tags that include both currency and date values then only one of the cell formats will be applied. The default selected tag is arbitrary but a specific tag can be nominated (details below).

    A Cell[] tag that references a cell where the cell format has been applied can also be used to set the cell format, refer to the description of the {ApplyCellFormat} tag in the Other Tags help topic for the conditions under which a Cell[] tag can be used to determine a cell’s format.

    If the format cannot be obtained from one of the cell’s tags, then the cell’s format will be copied from the template.

    There will be cases where it is necessary to override the default cell formatting for an individual cell. For example:

  • The cell contains a formula that includes a currency tag but the formula result is not a currency value.
  • The cell contains a formula that includes both date and currency tag values and you need to indicate which one (if any) will be used to represent the result.

    The {ApplyCellFormat} and {NoCellFormat} tags can be entered into an individual cell to provide additional control over which tags are used to format an individual cell. Refer to the description of the {ApplyCellFormat} and {NoCellFormat} tags in the Other Tags help topic.

ApplyThresholdFilter Boolean Aggregated This parameter indicates if the report is filtered to include only the items that exceed threshold limits. This option is useful to limit the pages in a CPR Format 5 report to only the criteria that exceed the threshold. Only reports that highlight the exceptions support this parameter.

If the value variance is not 0 and the percent variance cannot be calculated because the denominator value used in % calculation is 0, the percent variance is deemed to be exceeded if the value variance is also exceeded or is not defined.

CalculateFTEFromCalendar Boolean Aggregated This parameter indicates if the FTE result in the report will be calculated from the calendar hours.

If the report type is CPR, then the FTE values will be calculated for monthly periods and then summed into their respective reporting periods. For all other report types, the FTE values will be calculated with respect to the total hours and calendar hours for the reporting periods.

If this setting is false, the report will display the FTE values that are stored in the project instead of calculating them.

The Hours and FTE results are identified by the sort codes H and F respectively.

CalendarPeriods List Aggregated This is the comma-separated list of manually selected calendar periods.

This parameter is used if UseSelectedCalendarPeriods =1.

The calendar period labels (not dates) are stored in this parameter.

This parameter can be set on the Calendar page of the Report wizard.

CalendarSet String Aggregated This parameter is the calendar set ID. This parameter can be set on the Calendar page of the Report wizard.
CellFormatCurrencyPattern String All This parameter is the format applied to cells that contain a currency value. This parameter is used only if ApplyCellFormat=1. For more information< refer to the ApplyCellFormat parameter.

This value should not contain any currency symbols. The currency symbol and its position are obtained from the project’s settings.

This value must contain a valid pattern that is supported by Excel. It can contain positive and negative patterns, such as #,##0; and -#,##0.

If this value is not provided, a default pattern is determined based on the server’s local settings.

CellFormatDatePattern String All This parameter is the format applied to cells that contain a date value. This setting is used only if ApplyCellFormat=1. For more information, refer to the ApplyCellFormat parameter.

This value must contain a valid pattern that is supported by Excel.

If this value is not provided, the default date format style is applied.

CostSets List Aggregated This is the comma-separated, ordered list of cost sets to be included in the report. Some reports such as the CPR Format reports do not allow you to select the cost sets because the formulas in the report rely on the cost sets being defined in this list in a particular order. After selecting cost sets on the Cost Sets page of the Report wizard, the saved settings are stored in this parameter.
CreateBlankNotes Boolean Aggregated This parameter indicates if notes must be present in all note categories defined in the IncludeNoteCategories parameter by creating blank notes where notes are not entered.
DisplayDataWorksheets Integer Aggregated Use this parameter to select the basic worksheets that will be created in the Excel file.

The following report worksheets can be created: Report and Template.

The following data worksheets can be created: Data, Calendar, Narrative, Notes, and Thresholds.

Note: This parameter does not control any of the extended data worksheets, which are configured using the DisplayExtendedDataWorksheets parameter.

The following values are valid:

0: Use this value to create only the report worksheets.

1: Use this value to create all available worksheets.

2: Use this value to create only the data worksheets. This value will not create the Notes worksheet.

DisplayExtendedDataWorksheets List Aggregated

Use this parameter to include any combination of the Control Accounts and Work Packages, Resource file, and Rate file worksheets in the Excel file.

When you use this parameter, you must specify all of the required worksheets in a list. For example: “RATE,RESOURCE”.

The following values are valid:
  • CAWP: Use this value to create the Control Accounts and Work Packages worksheet.
  • RATE: Use this value to create the rate file worksheet.
  • RESOURCE: Use this value to create the resource file worksheet.
  • Cobra will only include data from resource and rate files to which the logged-in user has at least read access rights.
  • When a master project is selected, Cobra will only include the resource and rate files that are attached to the master project.
DisplayDataWorksheetsCriteriaDescription Boolean Aggregated This parameter indicates whether to display the criteria description with the ID (always displayed) in the Criteria column of the Data worksheet. The Pivot report requires this setting to display the descriptions in the report.

You can enable the Data worksheet with the DisplayDataWorksheets parameter.

DisplayReportOptions Boolean All This parameter indicates if the selected report options are displayed in the report output.

The report template determines what is displayed based on the value of this parameter. The template references the DisplayReportOptions tag.

This is usually used in the following context: {PRINTIF(DisplayReportOptions, True)}.

This parameter can be set on the Save and Run page of the Report wizard.

ExcludeIPMRFormat2SummaryFromBody List CPR This is the comma separated list of Resource codes for which the data values will not be included in the body of the report. See the Code the Resources for IPMR Format 2 Reports topic for more information on how to code the resources.

See also IncludeIPMRFormat2SummaryInBottomLine, which lists the result codes that will be displayed on the bottom line. If a result code is excluded from the body and not included in the bottom line, the results will not be included anywhere in the report.

ExcludeSortCodesFromBody List CPR This is the comma-separated list of sort codes for which the result values are not included in the report body.

This parameter is used only if IncludeSortCode =1.

The report template must include a sort code total row for each excluded sort code (with the {SortCode<Code>} tag); otherwise, the results are not included anywhere in the report.

FirstCalendarPeriodCumulative Boolean Aggregated This parameter indicates if the first selected calendar period includes data from previous periods.

This parameter can be set on the Calendar page of the Report wizard.

HighlightVariances Boolean Aggregated This parameter indicates if values that exceed threshold variances are highlighted in the report.

The report template must implement the highlighting by using the {HIGHLIGHT} tag.

IncludeBlankCodeAssignments Boolean Aggregated

This parameter indicates if empty code assignments for the selected criteria that are associated with a code file are included in the report.

This parameter can be set on the Sub-Totals page of the Report wizard.

IncludeHistoryCostSets Boolean Aggregated This parameter indicates if the virtual HISTBAC and HISTEAC cost sets are included. They are referred to as virtual because they are not defined in the project. However, these cost sets contain the historical BAC and EAC data, which can be used in TCPI calculations.
IncludeIPMRFormat2SummaryInBottomLine List CPR This is the comma separated list of IPMR Format 2 Summary codes for which the data values will be displayed in the bottom line of the report.
Attention: See also ExcludeIPMRFormat2SummaryFromBody, which lists the codes that will be excluded from the body of the report.
IPMR Format 2 Summary codes that are not excluded from the body of the report will be treated as non-add items in the bottom line of the report.
Attention: See also {IPMRFormat2Summary} tag, which determines the location of the summary rows in the report.
IncludeNarrativeCategories List CPR This is the list of Narrative categories included in the report.

This parameter is automatically updated by the report layout engine based on the report template. Manually updating this parameter does not have any effect.

IncludeNoteCategories List Aggregated This is the list of note categories included in the report. You can pass a value ALL to denote all note categories.

This parameter is automatically updated by the report layout engine based on the report template. Manually updating this parameter does not have any effect.

IncludeOnlyNonZeroCostSets Boolean Aggregated This parameter indicates if empty (zero) values are created for cost sets that do not have data.

This parameter can be set on the Cost Sets page of the Report wizard.

IncludeOnlyNonZeroPeriods Boolean Change Management

Project Audit

For a Change Management report

This parameter indicates if a PeriodDate header row is displayed for all periods or only for periods with log transactions.

For a Project Audit report

This parameter indicates if a Calendar Period Date criteria row is displayed for all periods or only for periods with log transactions. This setting is applicable only if Calendar Period Date is selected as the first criteria.

IncludeOnlyNonZeroResults Boolean Aggregated This parameter indicates if empty (zero) values are created for results that do not have data. This parameter is useful when producing curve or graphic reports. If non-zero results are included, the line color for each cost set will remain consistent throughout the report. It is also useful when adding a calculation row to a time-phased report such as Earned/Actual costs to ensure the rows in the calculation exist.

This parameter can be set on the Results page of the Report wizard.

IncludeSortCode Boolean CPR This parameter indicates if results are split by sort code.
IsIPMR Boolean CPR3 This parameter indicates if IPMR processing is required for CPR3 report.

This setting is currently only effective for the IPMR Format 3 report. This setting has no effect on the other IPMR reports.

If this parameter is set to 1, Cobra uses the time-phased data logging for the project. If this parameter is set to 0, the standard CPR3 report is generated.

Results List Aggregated This parameter is the comma-separated, ordered list of results to include in the report when Results is selected as a criterion.

This parameter can be set on the Results page of the Report wizard.

RollupResults Boolean This parameter indicates if the Results criterion values are summarized for all criteria levels.

If this parameter is set to 1, you must select Results as the last criterion.

ScaleFactor Integer This parameter is the scale factor to apply to currency values. For example, a value of 1000 in this parameter means dividing all currency values by 1000.

This parameter can be set on the Style page of the Report wizard.

ScaleFactorCaption String This parameter is the caption displayed to indicate scaling in the report. For example, Thousands of Dollars.

This parameter can be set on the Style page of the Report wizard.

TemplateFile String This parameter is the name of the template file (including the extension) used for the report layout.

This parameter can be set on the Style page of the Report wizard.

ThresholdFilterCompareType String Aggregated This parameter indicates how exception reporting is triggered.
  • AND: This setting causes the cost variance or schedule variance to be highlighted if both the Percent and Value options exceed the predefined threshold values.
  • OR: This setting causes the cost variance or schedule variance to be highlighted if either the Percent or Value option exceeds the predefined threshold values.
UseSelectedCalendarPeriods Boolean Aggregated This parameter indicates if the report uses manually selected calendar periods instead of periods in a calendar set.

This parameter can be set on the Calendar page of the Report wizard.

If this parameter is set to 1, the CalendarPeriods parameter must also be set.